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Volunteering With Seniors

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Seniors - people who are elderly - may need assistance regarding accessing food, accessing services, navigating bureaucracy, helping with technology, or social isolation/loneliness. Volunteers can be a great help in any of these areas.

Lots of people want to help seniors, and the first thing they think of is people living in senior centers. That's great - but remember a lot of seniors that need assistance still live in their house or an apartment on their own. That's why organizations like Meals on Wheels exist, to help seniors in their own homes.

If you want to volunteer to help seniors, be prepared to:
Don't let any bureaucracy discourage you; the elderly are a vulnerable population and must be kept safe! That's why there are such rules.

You can volunteer through a senior center, where you go onsite at the center; through a nonprofit that serves seniors in their own homes or at a center; or independently, on your own, just to be nice, but remember that DIY volunteering can incur liability risks (what will you do if you are accused of harming an elderly neighbor you have been trying to help, for instance?).

You also may need to seek funding yourself for activities you want to do; a senior center, retirement home or nonprofit probably cannot cover costs associated with starting a new program, but may be able to accept donations to fund your activities so you do not pay taxes on any funds you gather. If your project is going to cost money and you are going to ask for donations, you will need to have a written budget showing exactly what costs will be, and a relationship with a nonprofit organizations to accept those donations on your behalf so you don't have to pay taxes on those donations.

Remember that, if you are going to volunteer on the premises of any facility, you MUST have written permission from that facility to volunteer, even if your volunteering seems benign, like playing music or reading to people.

These ideas aren't cutesy and most aren't one-day, one-and-done activities, because that's not what seniors need. Remember that the need of the seniors is the priority, not your desire for a feel-good experience that isn't inconvenient for you.

Ideas for Volunteering With Seniors

What could you do WITH residents of a senior home, with everyone out in the common room? Could you make Christmas ornaments? Could you bring items and have seniors dress up for Halloween? Or celebrate Madi Gras together? Could you make any sort of simple craft item (the Internet is packed with craft ideas for groups, for Vacation Bible School classes, for summer camps and more)? Engaging in an activity WITH seniors, not for them, is infinitely more valuable to the seniors. Please do NOT make cards for seniors - many facilities now refuse these outright, as these can actually make seniors feel even more lonely, they can contain inappropriate messaging, and these are largely performative for the volunteers.

You can also try looking through the volunteering opportunities that are posted to all the major volunteer matching web sites in the USA and Canada for activities related to seniors.

If you use my page to create a program or event, please contact me after you have finished the event or program and let me know how it turned out, what program you picked, the address of your blog, etc.

You may also want to review these resources regarding labor laws and volunteering.

If you feel mistreated as a volunteer, here is advice for volunteers on how to complain.

Here is a list of books and other resources regarding Caring for Your Elderly Family Member / Loved One

Also see

© 2009-2019 by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved. No part of this material can be reproduced in print or in electronic form without express written permission by Jayne Cravens.

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© 2010-2024 by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved. No part of this material can be reproduced in print or in electronic form without express written permission by Jayne Cravens.

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