A cartoon of a
        woman at a computer. You can see only her eyes and wild hair
        from behind the screen where she is typing. The computer is an
        old Apple clamshell iBook

I am human & this web site is MY work
(this is not an AI-generated site)

I am a human and all of the material on this site is written by me, created by me or curated by me. I am Jayne Cravens. There are no articles or materials on this site produced entirely or largely by Artificial Intelligence. And if you contact me, I will reply - not a chat bot.

Do I use AI in my work? Yes: I sometimes use Canva (though you can probably tell most of the drawings on my site are mine - that's why they look so primitive), I rely on Language Tool (open source alternative to Grammarly) for spelling and to correct grammar, I use Google Translate to translate things I want to read and to check my own translations from English to Spanish, and I use searches on Google and Duck Duck Go. But I write my own text, even in Spanish, and I read resources before I cite them.

If you cite this web site, you are citing me, Jayne Cravens, a human. However, I will note that I do not write on an old Apple clamshell iBook, as pictured above - but I still have that old clamshell. It is the prettiest computer I've ever had and I still love it. And given the primitive nature of the drawings on this web site, you can probably tell none are AI generated - those primitive drawings are all by me.

If your web site uses AI to generate content, you have an ethical obligation to declare this. This is an excellent guideline for creating your own policy for using AI in your work in an ethical manner. 

Before you rely on the content of a web site, particularly if you are going to cite it or use it to make a decision - like a "top 10 best software for whatever" site, make sure that page is authored by a human. In fact, write the author and ask them how they made this list and if any part of it was paid for by a company mentioned in the list or article and if any part of the content creation involved AI-generated content beyond correction of spelling and grammar. If they won't answer, that alone should tell you about the author's credibility. 

Disclaimer: No guarantee of accuracy or suitability is made by any poster/distributor on this page. This material is provided as is, with no expressed or implied warranty.

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The art work and material on this site was created and is copyrighted 1996-2024
by Jayne Cravens, all rights reserved
(unless noted otherwise, or the art is a link to another web site).