A free resource for nonprofit organizations, NGOs, civil society organizations,
charities, schools, public sector agencies & other mission-based agencies
by Jayne Cravens
More resources at coyotecommunications.com & coyoteboard.com (same web site)

What I Did in (& have done for) Afghanistan

I was in Afghanistan from March 1 to the end of August, 2007, under contract from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and seconded to the National Area-Based Development Programme (NABDP), part of the Afghan Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD). My title was Communications and Reporting Advisor. After than, until 2021, I continued to work remotely, pro bono, with people in the country that are working for MRRD or local NGOs.

Here's what I did in-country in Afghanistan:


Here's what I did after leaving Afghanistan in 2007, pro bono, for Afghan staff in-country, until August 2021:


My time in Afghanistan, as well as Egypt and Jordan, lead me to develop:

I wish I had created and delivered some workshops on volunteering for NGOs in Kabul. It wasn't part of my UNDP contract, so I would have had to do it on my own time. But I wish I had. There are so many NGOs in Kabul - there were a lot back in 2007. They really could have used guidance on the fundamentals of effective volunteer engagement, and some advanced training on keeping women and children safe within program delivery.

One of the biggest things I learned while in Kabul was about the realities of economic development activities. Namely, what's NOT needed in most cases is another handicraft program. I also learned that poverty isn't beautiful nor romantic

After the Taliban

My work on behalf of Afghanistan continues. I have worked to help co-workers flee the country, and continue to work on behalf of colleagues left behind. I am working to advise colleagues who were able to flee and are now living abroad.

Digital Dunkirk: online volunteers scramble to help endangered Afghans get visas & out of Afghanistan


My request to my US congressional representatives regarding Afghan refugees

Our Lady of the Manifest: the icon for a very particular community of online volunteers

Fleeing Afghanistan: "Experiencing the Dark Time: Caught Up In a Cage": a first hand account, edited by me, of fleeing Afghanistan in 2021.

Fleeing Afghanistan, Living As a Refugee: Safe, But Without Joy: a first hand account, edited by me, of the aforementioned asylum seeker and her life as of September 2023.

Also see:

 The Last Virtual Volunteering Guidebook

available for purchase as a paperback & an ebook

Completely revised and updated, & includes lots more advice about microvolunteering!
Published January 2014.


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